Chairperson, Max Morgan - 2024
Shari Schneider - 2025
Cassy Stokes - 2024
Amy Ehrlick - 2024
LeeAnn Young - 2025
Trustees Description and Responsibilities
Note: Please note that the function of the Trustees at MPC differs from function of Trustees outlined in the Book of Order. The Book of Order reference is included here for informational purposes and so that each person who is considering the call to be a Trustee knows the differences in how MPC Trustees function and how the Book of Order outlines the function of Trustees.
Book of Order references to Trustees:
G-4.0101 Incorporation and Power
Where permitted by civil law, each congregation shall cause a corporation to be formed and maintained. If incorporation is not permitted, individual trustees shall be elected by the congregation. Any such individual trustees shall be elected from the congregation’s members in the same manner as those elected to the ordered ministries of deacon and ruling elder. Terms of service shall be governed by the provisions of G-2.0404.
The corporation so formed, or the individual trustees, shall have the following powers:
to receive, hold, encumber, manage, and transfer property, real or personal, for the
congregation, provided that in buying, selling, and mortgaging real property, the trustees shall act only after the approval of the congregation, granted in a duly constituted meeting; to accept and execute deeds of title to such property; to hold and defend title to such property; to manage any permanent special funds for the furtherance of the purposes of the congregation, all subject to the authority of the session and under the provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The powers and duties of the trustees shall not infringe upon the powers and duties of the session or the board of deacons.
Manage the physical property and the upkeep thereof under the supervision of the Session for the furtherance of its mission (G-3.0201c)
Serve as faithful stewards, making wise decisions to protect the assets of the church for future generations with a faithful respect of those who have given of those resources.
Training takes place when you become a Trustee. This training will consist of the following (and more):
Trustees’ meetings are currently held the first Monday of the month at 5:30 pm in the Disciples Room.
Our Trustees conducts its business with God as the center and with much prayer. Given this, every effort is made to provide amble time for prayer and discernment. Business brought before the Trustees is done in a timely manner so that it is presented at least a month before any decision needs to be made, if possible.
An annual Tri-board (Deacons, Elders, Trustees) meeting is held in February. This meeting may simply be a 2-3 hour meeting all the way up to an overnight retreat starting on Friday evening and ending late Saturday afternoon.
Mon to Thurs 8:30AM - 12:30PM
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